Saturday, August 18, 2012


My first day in Costa Rica and the Calle Principal (main road) to my house is closed. This meant that we would be stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour. Considering I didn't really have a better place to be, I didn't mind the traffic.
People drive a lot differently here than they do in Minnesota. There's a lot more honking (which, for me, means that it has significantly less meaning than it does in Minnesota) and a lot more weaving in and out of lanes. Everybody drives really close together and motorcycles are constantly zipping in between the lanes. There are also people who stand in the middle of the road selling snacks. I wouldn't mind having that on 394 in Minneapolis during rush hour.
Two things I learned: 1) Pedestrians do NOT have the right of way; 2) I would not want to learn how to drive a stick-shift in San Jose


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