Thursday, August 23, 2012


ACM Building

ACM Building: Sitting area

ACM Backyard/View

Back side of ACM Building

ACM Backyard View

ACM Sala Grande (Main classroom)

My House
My bedroom : Desk, bed, window

My bedroom: Closet, doorway

View 1 of Kitchen

View 2 of Kitchen


"El Termo" (Shower Head/Water Heater)

Dining Room

Living Room

Street I live on

Outlet mall that I walk past every day


  1. Love the pictures and being able to visualize where you are. Your bedroom looks so neat! Noticed students sitting in the back of class. Is that how it usually is with so few students? Also amazed in the midst of the cucaracha incident you were able to get a picture. Nice work.

  2. The photo of the classroom was not taken during class. We usually sit in front. About the cucaracha: For a long time I didn't know what to do so I just waited and watched it. I had plenty of time to take a picture before I told Marta.
